What does it mean to be a coalition member?

All coalition members must support the idea, institution, and impact of a permanent Global Citizens’ Assembly.

We are looking for coalition members to support with one or more of the following:

  • Raising the profile of the assembly. To embed the assembly in the public consciousness, members of the coalition will need to communicate across a variety of channels, and harness the power of art. 

  • Scaling participation in the assembly. By 2030, we want 10 million people to be participating in the assembly. This will only be possible if members of the coalition encourage their networks to run and join community assemblies. 

  • Endorsing the assembly’s recommendations. Consistently voicing its recommendations in key global governance fora, will help the assembly to gain normative power. 

  • Implementing the assembly’s recommendations. By kickstarting action themselves, members of the coalition will help to demonstrate the value and necessity of inclusive institutions for global governance. 

  • Resourcing the assembly and/or coalition. Delivering methodologically robust deliberations, and amplifying the outputs of those deliberations, on an annual basis will require steady and sustained resourcing, from multiple, credible sources.

Apply to be a member below or contact david.levai@iswe.org to find out more.

Apply for your organisation to be a member of the Coalition for a Global Citizens’ Assembly